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Australia coastal living at risk

"Australians may have to leave coastal areas as rising sea levels threaten homes, according to a new report."

Category: Climate Change


Particle beams injected into LHC

"Engineers working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have successfully injected beams of particles into two sections of the vast machine."

Category: Big Science


Forty years of the internet: how the world changed for ever

"In October 1969, a student typed 'LO' on a computer - and the internet was born"

Category: Communications


At the centre of time

"Without it international travel would be in turmoil and calling friends in faraway places at the right time impossible. Exactly 125 years after the Greenwich Meridian line was drawn, how and why did Britain become the centre of...

Category: Big Science


Scooting green

"BBC environment analyst Roger Harrabin reports on how a push toward electric scooters in one Chinese city could be a bellwether for a global revolution."

Category: Transport

Displaying results 931 to 935 out of 2977